Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Desperate Prayers of a Leader

One of a leader's potential traps is to believe (and then act) like he or she can go it alone without having an inner core that is founded upon dependence upon God for every leadership decision, the great and small.

For many believers, the nature of prayer often becomes a last resort when we can accomplish nothing more in our own wisdom, wit, and works. It is a comforting thought that God knows this about us too, and still accepts and answers our desperate prayers. Having a works mentality drives us even further away from the comfort that awaits those who put their trust in the Lord. Grace, however, (God's solution to our need) no matter how desperate our situation, opens wide the door to His Throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:16). Chip Ingram reminds us of this great truth about “great prayers.”

“Not only are great prayers deeply personal, they are also birthed in brokenness. When we come to God with a sense of bankruptcy, knowing we’re in a desperate situation and have no resources to get ourselves out of it, God pays special attention. Brokenness will cause us to pour out our heart to God rather than trying to find the right words or the most persuasive arguments to present to him.” Pg. 103. Ingram, Chip. 2007. Good to great in God’s eyes: 10 practices great Christians have in common. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Desperate times require desperate measures that call for desperate prayers. How desperate are you in your need for Him?

Leading with Quality in mind,


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