Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Key to a Fortified Life: Inviting Critique From Trusted Friends

As a leader, who do you trust with your life?

Kevin Harney suggests:

“We are wisest when we have relationships and networks that fortify our lives as leaders. Healthy leaders not only practice self-examination but also move beyond reflection to invite others into the deepest parts of their souls . . . The best leaders will ask, even beg, others to show them where they need to grow, where they are broken, where sin lurks in the dark corners of their hearts. Where we have blind spots, those who are close to us, who love us, can identify areas in which we need to repent, change, grow.” Pg. 17

Harney, Kevin. 2007. Leadership from the inside out: examining the inner life of a healthy church leader. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Leading with Quality in mind,


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